According to the specific conditions of the project, the preparation work of construction organization, construction facilities, component transportation, construction technical standard and general plan should be done before installation. The key point is to do a good job of assembling, welding and hoisting schemes, selecting and installing hoisting machines, training special types of work, arranging schedule and making construction organization and design. In addition to fatigue strength calculation, the limit state design method based on probability theory should be applied to the steel structure design of industrial and civil buildings and general structures, and calculated with the expression of partial coefficients. The safety grade of steel structure of general industrial and civil construction is two grade, and the safety grade of special steel structure can be determined according to the specific conditions.
In the design of building structure, different safety grades should be adopted according to the possible consequences of structural damage. The load-bearing structure should be designed according to the limit state of the bearing capacity and the normal use limit state. The limit state of steel structure engineering refers to the critical state that a structure or component can meet a certain functional requirement of the design rule. If the structure or component exceeds this condition, it will no longer meet the design requirements. The ultimate state of the bearing capacity is the limit state when the structure or component reaches the maximum bearing capacity or reaches the deformation that is not suitable for the continuation of the load. The limit state of the normal use of the limit state is the limit when the structure or component reaches a specified limit of the normal use. When the structural members or connections are designed according to the limit state of load capacity, the basic combination of load effects should be considered. It is necessary to consider the contingency combination of load effects in necessary fashion.